Judy Williams
Practice Manager
Judy Williams is a Practice Manager for United Medical Doctors. Judy’s experience spans every facet of clinical operations in addition to employee relations. Her vast knowledge of practice management began in the billing department as a Billing Manager for a family practice in the early 2000s.
Judy joined the United Medical Doctors team as a Front Desk Assistant in 2004, and a year later began working in the billing department. She has since moved her way up to Practice Manager and has played an integral role in the company for over a decade in that capacity.
Her responsibilities have included but are not limited to the management of clinical operations, credentialing, onboarding of new providers and employees, mergers and acquisitions, training and human resources, purchasing and beyond.
Judy was raised in Orange County and moved to Fallbrook in the early 2000s. In 2004, she and her husband relocated to Temecula and have resided here since. She has children who are active in baseball and basketball, giving way to most of her free time being spent on the baseball field or basketball court cheering her kids on.